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All computer languages are in essence methods by which machine code (the sequence of ons of offs) to the computer is controlled and altered.To take java or any other computer language as an example, think o fall the commonly used words within that computer language and come up with other language equivalents.Using simple phonetics and universal language constructs a new programming language can be made. By framing a language using the universal language construct e.g. english with another language e.g hindi translation between the two can be easily made. If you take Java computer language as a basis, a command like"system.out.print" can be written in phonetic English and translated into hindi or any other language including that language's word order.A computer language closer to normal speech can be made, one that is easier to learn and one and one that can be progammed by someone without a knowledge of english language. While you wait for us to get it together, view these! Also coming soon the de-jargon-ator. Get a straight answer from the stuff about computers in computers by computers.
Intergrated development environments in general
Actual Intergrated Development Environments from Eclipse company
Kava! This is just the beginning.
SYSTRAN,a method used by many machine translators
A list of machine translation software
Tavultesoft multi language keyboards
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