the golden book
Hermetic order of the golden dawn
Asterix and Obelix golden book
Golden book encyclopedia
Karen network
Tibeto Burman language
SSPS : SPDC : MSD : Rambo
Letter Frequency
Karen magazine
Karen national liberation army
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma
Central Tibetan Administration
U Thant
Shwedagon pagoda
History of Burma
Karen teachers working group
Queen street riot
979 schools in Karen state
Free Burmer Rangers
Karen land rights in Thailand
Tatmadaw : total people's war
'three totalities': population, time and space (du-thone-du) and 'four strengths': manpower, material, time and morale (Panama-lay-yat).
In the 1870s and 1880s, several thousand Chinese men, mostly from the Guangdong province, migrated to New Zealand to work on the South Island goldfields. Although the first Chinese migrants had been invited by the Otago Provincial government they quickly became the target of hostility from white settlers and laws were enacted specifically to discourage them from coming to New Zealand.
KayanRohingya language
Kirin; a word that sounds like Karen
Basij :Tatmadaw
Khin Nyunt :
Sein Lwin :Soe Win :Thein Sein :Than Shwe :Ne Win
Aye Zaw Win
Sandra Win
Ledo Road :Lido Shuffel
Than Shwe watch
Than Shwe's house
secret tunnels in Myanmar
Karen army
Karen Buddhhist Army
Pado Mahn Shar
The Karen languages are members of the Tibeto-Burman group of the Sino-Tibetan language family. The three main branches are Sgaw, Pwo, and Pa'o; they are not considered to be mutually intelligible (Lewis 1984). Karenni (also known Kayah or Red Karen) and Kayan (also known as Padaung) are related to the Sgaw branch. They are almost unique among the Tibeto-Burman languages in having a Subject Verb Object word order; other than Karen and Bai, Tibeto-Burman languages feature a Subject Object Verb order [8]. This is likely due to influence from neighboring Mon and Tai languages (Matisoff 1991).
Karen national union
Mae Tao clinic
Mae Tao clinic
Salween river
THE FOUR CUTS: aimed at cutting off all supplies of food, funds, recruits and intelligence to opposition groups
black area: brown area: white area
Vanishing tribes of Burma
George Boardman
Chin state
tap water
front films
Kawlah films
Cynthia Muang interview
Cynthia Muang part II
Australia aid to Burma
Karen WW2 history
Australia foreign ministry reaction to the fall of Manerplaw
the fall of Manerplaw
Karen national anthem
WWIV Myanmar Junta news
German bureau of Burma
Phan foundation
Union of Burma boy scouts
Alice U, representitive of Karen in New Zealand